Emergency Care
Life can be unpredictable, and when emergency care is required, families may find it difficult to cope. When an emergency happens, Southood Healthcare gives your loved one excellent emergency care in the comfort of their own home to meet all of their needs.
Emergency Care
There are numerous reasons for needing emergency home care; the key word here is “emergency.” It is available in the following circumstances:
The first is when a person’s health or situation is changing quickly and they need help and care right away.
The second is when there is an emergency situation involving the primary caregiver, such as when another family member becomes ill or when the primary carer becomes ill or injured and is unable to work.

In either case, agility and the ability to efficiently arrange quality care are critical. There are several things that we can do differently in an emergency at Southood Healthcare to ensure the process is as efficient and thorough as possible.
When care is required in an emergency, we have methods for expediting the process. One aspect of our service, for example, is personality matching; however, in an emergency, we can skip this step and match a carer based on the necessary abilities and knowledge that pertain to the care needed.
- Unexpected injuries or falls
- An illness or symptom flare-ups in the past,
- Typically, family carers have other obligations or must attend to an urgent matter.
- Hospitalisation or post-operative care,
- Due to unforeseen circumstances, assistance is required at the last minute.
- Pain management,
- Assisting with mobility,
- Personal hygiene,
- Medication,
- Accompanying and assisting with therapy.
- Having someone there during a difficult time can also provide comfort and peace of mind.
Who is eligible for complex care support?
Complex care can help anyone suffering from a long-term, progressive illness or injury. Overseen by our team of clinical nurses with years of medical experience and expertise, we will ensure that you have the right level of care in place for you, allowing you to live well with your condition while being surrounded by your home comforts.
We can help with a wide range of health conditions and symptoms. These are some examples:
Neurological conditions such as multiple sclerosis (MS), motor neurone disease (MND), Parkinson’s, Huntington’s, and stroke

A Southood Healthcare professional carer can help minimise the disruption of a Parkinson's diagnosis by providing the necessary levels of support to help you cope. Importantly, our visiting care service operates on the premise that we empower you to maintain control over your routine and medication. We will encourage you to live as active a life as possible.

Our carers, who have been trained to provide Parkinson's care, can also help around the house and provide personal care. A caregiver can support you or a loved one in a variety of ways, from cooking meals and loading the dishwasher to assisting with more sensitive issues such as toileting and bathing.
Care of catheters, bowels, and stomas
Our continence nursing-led care is designed to make it as simple as possible for people to manage bowel or bladder problems. We take care of everything, from the initial assessment to determine your or your loved one's bladder or bowel care needs, to providing the continence support and training you or they require. Along with your continence team, our registered nurses can assist you with a variety of bathroom and continence training techniques, such as:
- Bladder retraining
- Incontinence aids
- Management of indwelling urethral catheters
- Supra-pubic catheters
- Urostomies and mitrofanoff systems
- Frequent toileting programmes
- Pelvic floor exercises
They can also assist in the management of medication regimens, the monitoring of treatment programs, and the treatment and management of urinary tract infections.
Southood Healthcare registered nurses have experience providing specialist continence services to customers suffering from a variety of conditions. Person-centered, tailored continence care programmes have assisted those with acquired brain injuries, serious spinal injuries, and dementia.
Tracheostomy care
With the correct assistance from our team of skilled specialists, living an independent lifestyle with a tracheostomy is simple. Following an examination with a clinical nurse manager, you will be matched with a care team that has the necessary expertise and personality to assist you in your daily activities.
The clinical nurse trainer will train our carers to meet all of the clinical needs of tracheostomy hygiene, ensuring the correct fit of tube ties, and emergency management, seamlessly integrating care into the routine and freeing the customer to focus on the things that matter: family, friends, and their favourite activities.
Our nursing-led management is done by a local clinical nurse trainer who has the skills and knowledge to work with other professionals and give a higher level of support, management skills, and clinical intervention.

Gastronomy care, including PEG feeding
Gastrostomy refers to a surgical hole created straight into the stomach. This artificial hole is used to assist those who have trouble swallowing meals and drinks. Food and drinks, as well as medications, can enter the stomach through a discrete plastic peg (percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy) tube or button put directly into the opening.
Our carers work hard to guarantee that clients may live independently while getting peg-gastrostomy treatment. We can assist you or a loved one with the management of food and hydration intake through daily feeding tube care, taking into consideration any dietary needs. They can also help you with any medications you or they are taking.
We’ll get to know you and learn everything we can about your health and symptoms. So, you may be able to get personalised care at home, which lets you live your life on your own terms.